Articles Index/Norfolk Tales
Posted 08/31/08

The Todmorden Clan Gathers for Norfolk Family Reunion and Sporting Day

On a hot August day last August 15, Todmorden Norfolks, two of their Norfolk cousins and one incredibly patient Labrador Retriever gathered at the home of Sheila Robbins in Elkins, NH for an old-fashioned family reunion. The Labrador lives with two Norfolks and deserves huge amounts of treats for her tolerance. (The cat, understandably, stayed in the house.)

It was a sweltering day so swimming in the pond took the place of ball playing. There was lots of shady lawn, good for lounging by dogs and their humans, tons of food (including doggy yogurt) and the much anticipated toy toss which resulted in each canine participant adding several treasures to his or her toy-box. By the end of the day, everyone was happy and exhausted and reports were that most of the dogs slept all night and part of the next day.

People came from New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New York. Most were owners but several were just fans of the breed. One couple came to meet Norfolks for the first time and they were treated to a bevy of busy dogs, all demonstrating the delightful characteristics for which the breed is known.

Photos by Leo Blackman.
Fashions by improvisation.

ANTIC, December, 2007

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