Articles Index/Message From The President
Created 01/30/99

Message From the President ...

As I write this column, it has been a couple of weeks since our Fall Festival but I can still hear the shouting, whooping and barking of joy -- from the people and the dogs.

It was a superb event and I want to thank everyone who contributed to its success. Sheila Foran and Pru & Peter Read for organization and overall responsibility. Jane Anderson, Vallie Beckwith, Mary Fine, Faith Schrader, and Richard Reynolds for their special efforts, and Jim Covey for judging conformation.

As always, it was an opportunity to see old friends and meet new.

Our Seminar on Current Issues in Canine Reproduction by Cornell's Dr. Robert Gilbert was excellent and kept everyone in rapt attention. Combining the proceeds with an additional amount from general funds, ANTA presented a check for $ 1,100 to the James Baker Institute for Animal Health. We recorded the presentation and are pleased to include an only slightly abridged transcript with this issue of ANTIC.

Our Annual Meeting was admirably brief. The only significant business was the installation of our new officers and directors and that is reported in more detail elsewhere in this issue.

Four major events are planned for 1999: April's Spring Fling in WV; May's gathering in Santa Fe, NM; August's Summer Fun Days in CT, and our Fall Festival and annual meeting in NY. We invite your suggestions for seminar topics, speakers, judges, and activities.

Ed Plummer
ANTIC, December, 1998


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